Dem Bruce Lee Styles's blog

9/11 1WTC North Tower vs. Controlled Demolition

9/11 1WTC North Tower vs. Controlled Demolition

WTC7 vs. Controlled Demolition

Olberman on New York Post/9/11 foreknowledge

Olberman announces his worst person/s in the world and the New Pork Post is number 1 due to that fact they are now calling people who believe Bush had foreknowledge of 9/11 as "idiots" even though they had a "BUSH KNEW" headline in 02.

We need to get Kucinich in touch with Sibel Edmonds!!!

I've just seen this video with Kucinich saying he wants to start the hearings but the wire transfers and WTC7 isn’t watertight enough;


^ That's all he needs!! That's what he's looking for!!

This is perfect because she's recently just said she wants to speak out regardless of her gag order and here’s Kucinich looking for something ironclad to get the ball rolling! I understand about the put options, ISI wire transfers and of course Building 7, but Sibel's case is what he's looking for.

Someone like the guys from Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth, or anyone else in contact with Kucinich absolutely has to get the message to him!!

Tim Spark On Uk National Radio, Talksport

James Whale interviews Tim Sparke, executive producer of Loose Change Final Cut;

Part 1

Part 2

Boston Herald: "9/11 conspiracy theorists dog TV reporters"

9/11 conspiracy theorists dog TV reporters

By Jessica Heslam
Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Local 9/11 conspiracy theorists are targeting TV news reporters, already leading to at least one confrontation with a FOX 25 reporter who grabbed a poster in an incident caught on camera and posted on YouTube.

“We will be protesting as the presidential election gets heated,” said Mark O’Connor of the group Boston 9/11 Truth. “No newscaster is safe if they’re live on the street.”

FOX 25 political editor Joe Battenfeld has had run-ins with members of the so-called 9/11 truth groups - who claim the terror attacks were a government setup - in Boston and New Hampshire.

Chomsky: I've been (publicly) in favor of an independent investigation for a long time.

Chomsky on 911 investigation and conspiracy theories(in Z sustainers forum)

Reply from Noam Chomsky,

I've been (publicly) in favor of an independent investigation for a long time. There are many holes in the investigation of any historical event that will never be filled, but an independent investigation might help clear the air. As for the theories now put forth, they have two crucial properties, in my opinion:

(1) they draw enormous amounts of time and energy away from serious activism on urgent matters (and may well be welcome to those in power for that reason, as the JFK assassination investigations have been, so internal government documents indicate). It's also a rather striking fact that the Truth Movement differs so radically from activist movements in not taking any of the usual steps that are standard under far more difficult circumstances, ranging from demonstrations, tax resistance or more direct resistance and other forms of CD, law suits, referenda, political action -- in fact, just about anything.

Brilliant Video! - 9/11 Truth vs Mainstream Media

It's getting increasingly harder for Mainstream Media to ignore 9/11 Truth.

O'Reilly makes another "Prediction": 9/11 Truth = "Somebody’s going to get hurt"!

O'REILLY: “Every American should condemn these people and I will tell you, I’m going to make this prediction, if they’re not rained in by the authorities, and they should be… Somebody’s going to get hurt”.

Just to put this into perspective O'Reilly's clairvoyance and bid to be the next Nostradamus didn't start with the above comment;

O'REILLY: "Now let me make a prediction here. Driven by crazy websites, the far left in this country is so out-of-control that somebody's going to get hurt. No American has a right to intrude on church services, television programs, or any other private gathering. If authorities don't wise up fast, bad things are going to happen. Wait and see."

Help Spread Truth Revolution!

This is such a fantastic video, yet it's still to receive the leg up that “The Third Stage” got from the likes of and etc. Please everyone help to spread this tremendous piece of art which will also help to promote the “11th of Every Month” campaign in the process!

Truth Revolution

Also for those who missed this one, here's the most powerful part of "The Third Stage", which apparently as word has it even brought Alex Jones to tears;

The Eleventh Day of Every Month: The Third Stage

Full length version here;

ENDGAME: Blueprint for Global Enslavement

This is Alex's finest work and an absolute masterpiece in my opinion! Check it out and SPREAD IT!

No Paranoia Intended, But Could We Be Set-up?

What is going on here, is this just slander or something worse;

O'REILLY: "Now let me make a prediction here. Driven by crazy websites, the far left in this country is so out-of-control that somebody's going to get hurt. No American has a right to intrude on church services, television programs, or any other private gathering. If authorities don't wise up fast, bad things are going to happen. Wait and see."

Glenn Beck: This is the kind of group that ‘a Timothy McVeigh’ would come from.”

Dave Nalle from "Blog critics": "It's easy to laugh at the conspiracists, but it's a grim truth that someone protesting Bill Maher this week might be the next Timothy MacVeigh or Ted Kasinski a few frustrated and ignored years down the road."

Glenn Beck on Bill Maher protest: “9/11 Truth = Timothy McVeigh”!

Glenn Back: “This is the kind of group that ‘a Timothy McVeigh’ would come from.”

This is where Beck, or his producer, got the idea from;

Conspiracy Fanatics Invade Bill Maher
By Dave Nalle

"What they don't seem to get is that being obnoxious doesn't make people respect them, it makes those they want to influence and the audience they want to reach take them even less seriously. If you have a controversial cause and behave like a whacko, then people conclude that your cause is silly even before they have a chance to consider the evidence. "Stupid is as stupid does" is the operating principle under which they seem to be eager to be judged.

We Are Change NYC Confronts Norman Podhoretz!! This is BEAUTIFUL!

This is how it's done, fantastic!! Great action, great questions, great organisation, great editing (big thanks to Mike Swenson!) and a great example for all future actions!! We Are Change New York City confronted Neocon Norman Podhoretz back on October 11th, 2007 at a Barnes and Noble in Manhattan! Listen to the sheer arrogance, disrespect, and pure evil being spewed from his mouth! Ask Questions! Demand Answers! Never back down!! - great new site!

This is a brand spanking fantastic new site from Kurt Nimmo and AJ, check it out;

Walmart Intercom: 9/11 Truth

This is a CLASSIC!

"Nathan Moulton shows just how easy it is to get on a Walmart intercom to spread some 9/11 truth."