Young Republicans

Kin of 9/11 Victims Protest Giuliani at Bay Ridge Manor


Kin of 9/11 Victims Protest Giuliani at Bay Ridge Manor

by Raanan Geberer (, published online 05-31-2007

Young Republicans Support
Rudy’s Presidential Bid

BROOKLYN — Yesterday evening, former mayor Rudy Giuliani was scheduled to come to the Bay Ridge Manor to celebrate his birthday, part of a citywide sweep through the boroughs that began in City Island in the Bronx that morning.

His supporters were scheduled to greet him. Giuliani’s support is considered very strong among Brooklyn’s Republicans, and those in New York in general. At least one club, the Bay Ridge Young Republican Club, has officially endorsed him for president.

“He, more than any other candidate, understands the most critical issue facing us, and that is the need to stay on offense in the terrorists’ war against us,” said Bob Capano, Brooklyn Young Republican leader and staffer for Congressman Vito Fossella, D-Southwest Brooklyn/Staten Island.