World Trade Center: One Month Before 9/11

World Trade Center: One Month Before 9/11

You Tube
Wednesday October 03, 2007

George Mauro's video reminder of how peaceful the World Trade Center was only one month before September 11th. This clip has views from the top, inside, and base of the huge buildings.

He created this video and commentary the same day the towers collapsed..

George Mauro Site:

Explosion/Squib seen in newly available 9/11 video prior to either tower collapse!!??

Please take a look at 13:55 - 14:01 in the following clip:

There appears to be an explosion or squib ejection that is way below where the first plane impacted!! It is also prior to either tower collapse!

How can this be explained as "air ejecting" from the building? This looks very similar to the squibs scene during the "collapse" itself. Thoughts?

9/11 an Inside Job, by H. Titan, Ph.D.

This is submitted for Review and Critique.

Pls refer to
and for more details.

9/11 an Inside Job, by H. Titan, Ph.D.

In the wake of revelations of murderous deception in the Iraq War, carried out by the Bush Administration, more and more Americans are asking questions regarding the basis for the US "War on Terror".

Half of New Yorkers believe US leaders had foreknowledge of impending 9-11 attacks and consciously failed to act; 66% call for new probe of unanswered questions by congress or New York's Attorney General, see Zogby, and thousands of Americans have signed a petition for a new probe.

A poll shows 89% of CNN Internet users feel this way and over 63% of Canadians feel similarly. On the 3 year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks 80% Al-Arabia satellite TV viewers thought others, besides Bin Ladin, were behind 9/11.

The (Un)expected Collapse of the WTC Towers

In the June, 2006 paper Mechanics
of Progressive Collapse: Learning from World Trade Center and
Building Demolitions
, by Zdenek P. Bazant and Mathieu Verdure
, the
authors make the following stunning statement:

The "Official Investigation" Blessed by FEMA and ASCE is a Half-Baked Farce - 9/11 Memory Hole

Reading 9/11 related forums and articles, I frustratingly often encounter comments from supporters of the "official theory" stating that WTC debris was investigated and that no signs of explosives etc were found. They always fail to mention that no GZ access was allowed for investigation (including FEMA), investigators were only able to scrutinize what was taken to the Freshkills site, obviously we do not know what was NOT taken to Freshkills.

Anyway, this reminded me of the very honest, yet damning article (Jan 2002) written by the editor of "Fire Engineering Magazine" Bill Manning, including the "half baked farce" statement. Below are a few of those quotes :

  • To treat the September 11 incident any differently would be the height of stupidity and ignorance. The destruction and removal of evidence must stop immediately.

German ZDF docu arouse my suspicion- new explanation for the WTC collapse in the making

Quick overview:

I think there are hints for growing suspicion that a new explanation for the WTC collapse is in the making, missing fire protection.

Please read the whole post to make your own opinion about that:


The german channel ZDF (Second German Television, a state backed media) will send a documentary that journalists Michael Renz made together with that BBC hitpiece producer Guy Smith back in february on the sixth anniversary next tuesday, 9/11, 20:15-21:00 Central European Time.

Here's a translation of the announcement, translated by loosechange forum member Front242:


A visual guide to the clips generates an animated gif for each video. (see original post:
On this page they can all be viewed at once. Each image is linked to the source file.
Hold the mouse over a video to read it's url description.

Caution: Don't click here if you are using a 486. folder:
bash code to generate page:

254 Interesting video clips

I went through the foorage (available here: and cut out the parts I found important.... 24GB in all. I also included a copy of "911 The Explosive Reality" (without the "red falshes" error at the end) and Robert Wright's (damming) speech to the national press club. I'm not sure they will let this stay up... please grab it now and host if you can.

The complete list is here (pls ignore any spelling errors ;-):

PS. The full 198GB set ( is "well seeded" now if you were waiting to download it.

Would the WTC planes have penetrated the Pentagon?

When we are asked to believe that a boeing 757 penetrated through yards of reinforced concrete walls at the Pentagon we have to strain out imaginations to do so. Look at it this way...the 757 strikes the first wall, and only the fuselage goes through...crosses about 50-60 feet of space and goes through another wall,...then another open space and carries on through another wall..another similar open space , and another wall, another open space, then another wall and another open space, and yet another wall,aoither open space, and finally punches a large clean hole in a final wall. ...Three rings in all, with another building section crossing the fuselage's path.(see link).

Iraq war veteran and experienced demolitions expert blows the cover on 9/11 inside job

This story is a little out of date, but is making tracks at digg. -r.

Original posting:

Meet Torin Wolf. He has a broad and varied background as a US Army Combat Nurse during Operation Iraqi Freedom,....

...building construction contractor, certified structural welder, certified asbestos and hazardous materials worker, experienced demolitions expert, teacher, radio show host, and well studied 9/11 truth activist. Torin knows how to put a building up, and bring the same building down in its own footprint. Torin's free presentation, “Taking the Red Pill” was hosted by Brave New Books on 1904 Guadalupe in Austin last Saturday, June 23rd at 7 pm.

Torin is proud of his native Cherokee heritage and his mother is the Band Historian of the White River Band Cherokee from the central United States. Since he received his GED at age 14, saying he is a smart guy is putting it lightly. For over 12 years he worked as a hazardous materials contractor specializing in asbestos abatement and concrete construction sampling. Add to his resume the fact that he designed and implemented well over 100 controlled demolitions. He was not just helping at a lower level in the demolitions - he was the guy responsible for calling the shots. Afterwards, he became a certified structural steel welder and worked in heavy and mega construction for over 5 years in locations around the world including several skyscrapers.

Ironically, Torin signed his papers to join the army on September 11th, 2000. He knew something was wrong with the official 9/11 story when his army handlers took his squad into a room just in time to watch the buildings collapse. With his demolitions experience, he immediately knew those towers could not have fallen like that without explosives. He went on to serve “with honor and distinction” with the 21st Combat Support Hospital in Mosul, Iraq during the first part of Operation Iraqi Freedom and earned the Bronze Star with V device for valor in combat.

While saving over 120 lives, Torin earned the Combat Medical Badge by providing medical care to US, allied, enemy soldiers, and civilians under combat conditions. Torin's arms display Samoan life saving tattoos, each line and symbol representing a group of lives saved. The army would like you to think he wasn't in Iraq, but unfortunately for them, Torin appears in a recent documentary filmed there. A true hero helping save lives in the middle east, Torin can be seen in section 4 of a PBS documentary called “Life and Death in the War Zone.”

With Torins impressive list of qualifications, his unwavering voice holds a power that shatters the lies of 9/11 sold to us by the government and mainstream media, “The official story we've been told about 9/11 is absolutely, physically impossible.”

World Trade Center Collapse Video REVEALS Demolition Sequence.

This video is not new, it actually has been used with fake explosion sounds to prove demolitions at the wtc.

This video is the original with no sound edits, it is stabilized, zoomed, 1/4 speed to reveal a demolition sequence 40 floors below going off diagonally reaching the service floor.

Not a conspiracy or fact?

Port Authority deny pre-9/11 "power down"

Call for FOI requests as NY Port Authority deny pre-9/11 'power down'

by Scott Forbes
Friday Jul 20th, 2007 7:08 AM

British IT engineer Scott Forbes was working in New York's World Trade Center in September 2001 and lost 89 of his work colleagues in the 9/11 attacks. This is a 25 minute mp3 interview with him for free dissemination... ..

Listen here to his eyewitness account of the security systems power down and mysterious 'cabling' contractors working in the south tower the weekend immediately prior to the attacks.

Scott Forbes demands disclosure of documents authorising the power down and details of who the contractors were.

From his nearby flat, on his day off, Scott witnessed the second plane strike the tower just below offices where his colleagues were working.

The 9/11 Commission were not interested that the WTC security cameras and other security systems were paralysed between 12 noon on Saturday 8th and 2pm on Sunday 9th September 2001.

Open Letter to Purdue President France Córdova

Dear President Córdova,

Congratulations on your recent appointment at Purdue University. As a long time citizen of the state of Indiana, I welcome you to what I know to be an outstanding institution of higher learning. At the same time, I hope to help you see an immediate opportunity to make a great positive difference in the lives of the people of our state and, in fact, a great difference in the lives of people everywhere. Through your appointment you have been given this opportunity to speak out and denounce what can be called, at best, criminally negligent science on the part of a small segment of the Purdue faculty.

Last month, a few Purdue professors, along with some students, presented a short animation ostensibly related to the 9/11 tragedy at the World Trade Center (WTC). Surprisingly the University then announced this animation in a news release, as if it represented a scientifically accurate simulation of the impact of a Boeing 767 into the WTC's north tower.[1] Unfortunately, this short video clip is far from a scientifically-based production, as it actually contradicts several of the government's own, much more intensive studies, and shamefully fails to capture some of the most basic aspects of the related events. To make things worse, Purdue University paradoxically implies that this brief animation provides support for the overworked fire-induced collapse hypothesis. By simultaneously contradicting and voicing support for the official story, Purdue has helped to promote the Bush Administration's fraudulent 9/11 Wars, and instantly earned a notorious place in modern history.

American Airlines 77

I know I'm going off half-cocked here and that a little information can be a dangerous thing but, I'm broadening the scope of my 911 research, looking at the flights and this jumped right out at me.

I'll put a lot more reading behind me before I post anything more on this but I was immediately struck by something.

Having looked at the pentagon pics along with the recent video of the flight recorder analysis its easy to assume that the pentagon strike was a missile rather than a plane.

Having made that assumption we then have to cater for the known elements:

1. A plane took off from Dulles airport
2. Something was tracked on radar that looked like AA77
3. Something hit the pentagon
4. No plane like AA77 landed anywhere visible

When I took a look at the radar track their are three oddities:

a. Why did the plane go so far out of its way?
b. The detour up to the Maryland border
b. The track being lost some time later