9/11 Truth in the WSJ?

By Josh Mitteldorf

Op-Ed News

Even among progressive news sources on the web, most sites will steer clear of 9/11 Truth. Huffington Post won't touch it. CommonDreams will occasionally flirt with the edges of "conspiracy theories"; Truthout has printed attacks on 9/11 Truth . OpEdNews is one of the few places where readers and authors who believe the outline of the Bush Administration's version of the events of 9/11 and those who think the Bush Administration was itself responsible for the attacks can hang out together and hold heated debates. (The Editorial Board here at OEN is also split. For disclosure, I've been the Board member leading the charge for more coverage.)

You may suspect the heavy hand of censorship, or you may think that these well-established liberal sources are sensibly avoiding speculation and superstition. But whatever your beliefs, you'd have to think that the Wall St Journal is the last place you'd look for revelations about a 9/11 cover-up.