women's site

Unlikely Place for a Hit Piece

I just found this via someone else's blog: I don't remember it being posted here. This column is from the "sex & relationships" section of a women's website. Was written a couple weeks ago but we could still potentially reach a few people with the comments section. I just added one. I don't think this was a coordinated hit piece at the movement, just a column written by someone who happened to trash 9/11 truth in what is a larger article on relationships.

On a side note, I might as well add: As a single 30-year-old guy who occasionally feels frustration over not being in a relationship right now, I'm actually happy to have come across this column, because it reminds me of one truism: "Better to be alone than in bad company!" I'll be happy to be single for a little while longer, knowing that when I do settle with someone it'll be someone of a much more open mind than the woman who wrote this piece of trash column.


Love Lessons: Desperately Seeking Approval

When my boyfriend suddenly decided that the U.S. government had planned 9/11 to justify a war in the Mideast, I was alarmed, but not enough to ditch him outright. After all, I told myself, his penchant for questioning everything in his path was one of the things I loved about him. Surely he'd regain his senses soon.