Wirt D. Walker

WTC Security Firm Held Its Meetings in Saudi Offices

There continues to be some limited interest in the many links between Saudi Arabia and the crimes of 9/11. Although many of those links point back to powerful people in the U.S., the mainstream media tends to focus the story on Saudi Arabia alone. That seems to be due to the fact that control of oil and gas resources in the Middle East is what really drives terrorism. Nonetheless, its important to continue revealing Saudi connections to 9/11 because they can help us understand what really happened. One very interesting link is that Stratesec, the security company for the World Trade Center and other 9/11-impacted facilities, held its annual meetings in offices leased by Saudi Arabia. That fact highlights the glaring lack of investigation into the men who ran Stratesec.

Read More: http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2016/04/wtc-security-firm-saudi-offices.html