
11 Ways 9/11 Truth is Challenging The Hijacking of History And The Totalitarian Reengineering of Human Consciousnes

Saman Mohammadi
The Excavator

Aug 5, 2011

For most of human history, empires and rulers have made a killing in the business of war, land grabs, territorial conquests, natural resource exploitation, and the high stakes game of power politics.

But that violent and savage era is coming to an end. Mankind is growing up. For proof, look at the global grassroots 9/11 truth movement that is changing the face of world politics, reawakening the people, and questioning the foundations of the criminal war on terror.

The inside job theory of the 9/11 attacks is supported by scientific evidence, numerous eyewitness accounts, circumstantial data, and common sense thinking.

People who are able to connect dots and break free from the mass conditioning can see that the Bush administration, the neocon fringe, the CIA and Israel are one hundred percent responsible for the 9/11 crime and tragedy.