white house lies

Revisionist History; How Spin Works, with Dana Perino

by Scott Creighton

(go to story with links, http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2008/05/13/revisionist-history-how-spin-works-with-dana-perino/ )

In a recent video, found on 911Blogger, here, a young journalism student asks White House Spokesperson Dana Perino, some questions about the seriously flawed 9/11 Commission.

If you go watch the short film, you will see that the film-maker backs up the young man’s claims with clips of cited MSM news reports lifted from CNN and the New York Times, as well as others.

But that isn’t why I call your attention to this piece.

At around 1:20 in the video, Dana skillfully disregards this young man’s query by suggesting he is simply being taken in by “spin” and then at around 2:40, she definitively states that he should remember that the country hasn’t been attacked since 9/11 and the no-one has died since as a result of “terrorism”. Perino’s obvious lie is becoming common knowledge in America.