We Are Change Minnesota

Carl Cameron "Caught on Tape"

Fox News Channel’s chief political correspondent Carl Cameron shared his thoughts on a variety of issues including the attacks of 9/11/2001 with We Are Change Minnesota on September 14th, 2009 in the U.S. Senate office building. http://mnchange.org/carl-cameron-supports-questioning-911 . Citing warnings by numerous foreign intelligence agencies, pre-9/11 warnings from Arizona FBI agent Kenneth Williams and stating quite plainly that, “It’s really hard to make the case that the buildings just imploded without some sort of an accelerant,” Cameron said we’re, “right to bang the drum because we don’t know,” what really transpired on 9/11 and that, “The unanswered questions are reasons to be skeptical.“ he also states "There are bad guys in the government. Black Ops and stuff does happen.“

Nice job guys!

Robert Wanek On The Corbett Report: Time To Wake Up!




WeAreCHANGE Wishlist

WeAreChange NYC are in dire need of materials and resources to keep us on the offensive on the front lines of the Infowar. We have had cameras damaged and stolen, in need of replacements and repairs. We are in need of new banners, preferably double sided, to be able to display to passers-by on both sides, or to carry in marches and parades. We also go through thousands of DVDs and fliers every month, and the supply line is running thin. Donations are wonderful, and we assure those who can donate that your money will go straight to our efforts to bring truth to power and to educate the public one person at a time.