
Letter of Advice to a Young Warmonger

Another of the PNAC's "best and brightest" has added his voice to the chorus calling for a war of aggression against Iran.


The following letter to Kagan was forwarded from a friend. The linked images are disturbing.

"Dr. Kagan:

As you and your PNAC associates are working so assiduously to trigger a "pre-emptive" attack against Iran (a nation which has neither attacked nor threatened to attack either Israel or the US and is a signatory of the NNPT), and as you evidently take great pride in your "authorship" of the Iraq invasion, occupation and "surge", I am compelled to recommend a few photographs for your consideration. Although there are many thousands like them on the internet, somehow I sense you may not have had the opportunity to view them. As an academic myself, I understand how easily such abstractions as "war", "empire" and "national interest" can obscure the palpable facts of their realization.