war resolution

last chance for peace - historic debate in Congress draws near

The United States is being manipulated into another even bigger Mideast War, and the only thing that can prevent it is an informed citizenry. The upcoming debate in Congress, scheduled to begin on September 9, will tell the tale.

President Obama lied to the nation, last Saturday, when he told us that a US attack on Syria would be “narrow” and “limited”, and would not involve boots on the ground. As I write, US special forces may already in Syria. According to Israeli on-line intel news Debkafile, several days before the chemical attack in Damascus hundreds of armed rebels crossed over into Syria from a newly established CIA base in Jordan. The rebels were led by US commanders. The Debkafile report was subsequently confirmed by the French paper Le Figaro, which claimed that CIA personnel accompanied the rebels across the border.

Debkafile also reported that Centcom, the US military command for the Middle East, has established a new underground war room near Amman, Jordan, for the purpose of commanding Syrian operations. Recently, General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, visited Amman to inaugurate the new forward command center.