Virginia terror network

Terror suspect to speak in Northern Virginia

Dr. M. Yaqub Mirza, a suspected money launderer and terrorist financer, will speak tomorrow at Shenandoah University in Northern Virginia.

For several years, Dr. Mirza has been at the center of the nation's largest terrorism-financing investigation, allegedly using a web of corporations, charities, and other organizations to launder money for terrorist activities overseas and in the United States.

...Yaqub Mirza directed the ‘SAAR network’, a complex web of charities, think tanks, and businesses based in Northern Virginia. Federal agents raided dozens of the group’s offices and homes in March of 2002, nearly all of which were run by Mirza.

Although is has gone drastically underreported in the mainstream media, the network under investigation, in addition to having connections to the “Golden Chain” of al-Qaeda financers, also has intimate links to the U.S. government...

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US-terror links kept in the dark as former Bush associate refuses to testify

Fearing for his life, Sami al-Arian, an admitted terrorist financer and one-time acquaintance of President George W. Bush, has refused to provide information to a federal grand jury regarding a Northern Virginia-based criminal network with connections to the U.S. government.

For nearly five years, investigators have been attempting to untangle the complex web of corporations, charities, and think tanks, which have allegedly been used by al-Arian and his associates to launder money for terrorist activities overseas and in the United States.

Although it has been grossly underreported in the mainstream media, the network under investigation has been intimately linked to the U.S. government, suggesting that some of the group’s activities have been sanctioned, protected, and possibly even coordinated by U.S. intelligence.

Sami al-Arian and another convicted terrorist supporter, Abdurahaman Alamoudi, both of whom have alleged links to 9/11, met several times with senior Bush Administration officials in the run-up to the attacks.

In June 2001, for instance, as a member of the American Muslim Council (AMC) (which was founded by Alamoudi) al-Arian was “invited to the White House complex for a briefing by Bush political adviser Karl Rove.”
Bush with al-Arian and friends

Similarly, in 2000 Alamoudi “was one of several Muslims invited to meet with [presidential] candidate [George W.] Bush in Austin, Texas”; and remarkably, just three days after the 9/11 attacks, Alamoudi was invited to a prayer service with the president.

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Bush with Alamoudi

In addition to founding the AMC, Alamoudi also co-founded a U.S. government-contracted company known as Ptech, which U.S. intelligence officials have described as a CIA front “on the level of Iran-Contra.” More after the fold...