Virginia Tech

Report on Virginia Tech Shooting Finds Notification Delays

also see:
Virginia Tech Shooting 'Oddities' By Lori Price
Report on Virginia Tech Shooting Finds Notification Delays By IAN URBINA
Published: December 4, 2009

RICHMOND, Va. — During the worst campus shooting spree in American history, Virginia Tech officials locked down some administrative buildings and warned their own families more than an hour and a half before the rest of the campus was alerted, according to revisions made in the state’s official report on the tragedy.

The report indicates that students who were initially locked down at West Ambler Johnston residence hall, where the first two victims were killed, were later released from the building by the police and allowed to attend their 9 a.m. classes. Two of those students then went to class in Norris Hall, where they were killed by the shooter.

How Convenient (Alberto Gonzales, et al.)

How convenient that Alberto Gonzales told the "truth" (supposedly) at the congressional hearing AFTER he was put under oath.

It's pretty funny that "protesters" sang Steam's "Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye" at the end.

And 50+ "I do not recall"'s.

It doesn't get any better than this. (except Wolfowitz's B.S. — and all of the others, and the future events to come that haven't come out yet)

"Democracy Now" with Amy Goodman covered this very well. (as usual)

When my paranoia kicks in, I can't help but wonder if the Virginia Tech shooting incident was an attempt to pull the media away from this. But it didn't last long enough. Perhaps someone miscalculated. Or perhaps it truly has no relationship.