Message from V --

"Message from V" put together by the folks at Houston9/11Truth.

Houston has a great group of 9/11 Truthers. They get out there and hit the streets. They are active! A whole bunch of 'em came up to Dallas for the June 21st LOOSE CHANGE FINAL CUT film showing at the Lakewood Theatre sponsored by Joe's North Texans for 9/11 Truth. Jason Bermas did an excellent job of fielding questions from the audience at that film event where 250 people showed up.

V is for Veritas

I was inspired by "V is for Veritas", a recent topic on freewayblogger's site. I made up this design. Kind of subtle. I was hoping to make a T-shirt out of the design, perhaps. Anyhow, view and share if you want.

V on The Mall

Re: a post to this site on 10/02/06 from one Micahyah ( http://www.911blogger.com/node/3369 ) about getting V out in numbers on The Mall...

Great idea! Very exciting!In fact, it's happenin'!

As of 10/6/06 V has been visiting the mall. He was a lone figure on that date, delivering petitions for redress of grievances at Dep't. of Justice, White house and Congress, regarding the Government’s violation of the war powers, tax, privacy and money clauses of the Constitution.


He was definitely not alone on the 14th when V turned out en masse (almost 100) to receive replies to these petitions.

The Fourteenth of November

(for those who may have missed this, find the captivating video of "V" serving the White House, The Justice Department, and sundry others on a brisk November day here in Washington D.C. (really, such a cute parish) http://www.givemeliberty.org/RTP2/UPDATES/Update2006-11-11.htm).

On the Fourteenth of November, "V" returned to Washington D.C.