University of Wisconsin

Mainstream Paper Prints Four "Althouse, Debate Barrett!" Letters

Congratulations to Richard, Lon, James and Jeannon, and a huge thanks to everybody who wrote to Althouse, the UW, and/or the local newspapers. This must be by far the biggest flood of 9/11 truth every published in the letters section of any mainstream US newspaper!

Ann Althouse, a law professor who seems to have a very high opinion of herself, needs to find the courage to defend her assertion that 9/11 skeptics are "nutty." If our arguments are that weak, it should be a piece of cake for an experienced law professor to take them apart...right?

Scroll down for a list of places to write and call to keep the pressure on her, and on the UW. We DEMAND a 9/11 debate in 2008!


PS I'll discuss this during the second hour of today's radio show (first hour guest Jarek Kupsc, writer-director of The Reflecting Pool). 4-6 pm CT Network 4 Call-in number 866-582-9933 Complete schedule & guest list:

Richard C. Lowe: "Nutty" belief? Let's put that to debate
Letter to the editor — 1/31/2008 9:35 am