The United Kingdom

AE911Truth Returns to Europe: Ten-City Tour to Shatter 9/11 Myth with Explosive Evidence

It has been almost three years since AE911Truth crossed the Atlantic to share the explosive 9/11 evidence with Europe. Now, founder Richard Gage, AIA, and other activists are making a return visit. The month of June will take Gage across the British Isles and onto the mainland in a new tour of Europe, where numerous audiences will be exposed to the WTC technical analysis that has the backing of more than 1500 architects and engineers.

This tour kicks off on the TV3 news show Ireland: AM on June 9, where Gage will discuss the scientific and forensic evidence behind 9/11 with early morning TV viewers. As the country’s only breakfast news program, Ireland A.M. provides AE911Truth with an opportunity to educate tens of thousands about the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC Building 7.

Irish audiences will be able to see the 9/11: Blueprint for Truth presentation live in Dublin on June 11, where Gage will join several influential figures for a unique event. WeAreChange founder Luke Rudkowski, geopolitical researcher Alan Watt, Dr. Andrew Wakefield and others will also speak, along with Jim Corr, famed Irish activist from the band The Corrs.

This conference was made possible through the sponsorship of the Sovereign Independent, the leading 9/11 Truth publication in Ireland. Its founder, Ian Crilly, sees great promise in presenting this provocative information at public venues. “I believe that many people know that something is wrong with that 9/11 narrative,” he said, “and events like these will encourage them to mix with others who have also asked themselves the same questions.”