
Guess who is the world's newest financier of terrorism?

Bern: Iran gas deal, our decision to make
Tue, 08 Apr 2008 20:02:47

"Guess who is the world's newest financier of terrorism? SWITZERLAND" read the banner of the Jewish group's full-page advertisement that appeared in the International Herald Tribune, the leading Swiss financial daily Neue Zuercher Zeitung and Geneva daily Le Temps Tuesday.

The ad also displays the complaint lodged by Israel against Switzerland over the gas deal.

Dr. Daniele Ganser in swiss television about 9/11

Dr. Daniele Ganser is a popular swiss historian doing research about 9/11 for several years now. The swiss tv station U1 asked him several questions about the different theories of 9/11. Here is a small translated section of this interview - more from him to come, if wished...

There are some misspellings in the translation as it was done in a rush, but I guess you'll get the point anyway.