The Current Battle against State Secrets Privilege: ‘Sanitization’ is not the answer By Sibel Edmonds

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Current Battle against State Secrets Privilege: ‘Sanitization’ is not the answer By Sibel Edmonds

During the past few months I have been actively following the latest activity on the state secrets privilege (SSP). First, I was pleasantly surprised to see that this issue of extreme importance to our civil liberties and constitutional rights was finally getting long-over-due and deserved attention from the media. After all, the memories of fighting SSP in the federal courts all the way up to the Supreme Court, holding press conferences together with the ACLU to bring needed media attention to this draconian abuse, making the rounds in Congress to have them address this ‘privilege’ through legislation to restrict its misuse and abuse, are still fresh and vivid for me.

A protesters view from outside the SPP meeting in Montebello, Quebec, Canada.

I was at the front of the protest group right at the police line on Monday August 20, 2007 and saw the pushing and shoving of protesters from the police who in turn pushed back. The police provoked the violence and shoving by pushing the protesters back about 10 to 15 feet from the original police line, this is when the protesters started to escalate their activity and pepper spray was used on few who were resisting the police line and I thought I saw one person get tasered or shot at by another device from the police. Rocks were thrown at the police who were in riot gear and from what I saw one officer was injured in the exchange. For about an hour or two after that the protesters were very peaceful, banging on homemade drums made out of empty 5 gallon buckets and chanting anti SPP slogans. A van with loud speakers on the roof then proceeded down the road and stopped 20-25 feet away from the front line. People bobbed their heads and danced to the music pumping out of the loud speakers, then people started to talk on the mic, this got the protesters pumped up but still peaceful.

Canadians!! Tell Your Local MP to Say "NO" to the "SPP", "AU"

I was checking out my local MP's website when I came across this article, maybe there is hope? I for one am going to tell my local MP to "SAY NO TO THE NORTH AMERICAN UNION"! I urge all Canadians to do the same to their local MP's. Let them know that "we" the people do not want anything to do with the AU.