Poll: 48% of New Yorkers Support Building 7 Investigation


New Poll: 48% of New Yorkers Support a New 9/11 Investigation into Building 7's Collapse.

As the 10 Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks approaches quickly, a new Siena poll shows that half of New Yorkers today are in support of a new probe into the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7.

The poll shows that 1 in 3 New Yorkers were unaware of Building 7's collapse, and despite the importance of the events of that day, only 25% have ever seen video footage of Building 7's collapse. Only 30% could identifty the name of the skyscraper. Moreover, the poll shows that only 40% of New Yorkers believe the official explanation that office fires were responsible for the collapse of this 47 story steel-framed structure.