Sport of Kings

Getting Past 'Oh', Why Americans Misunderestimate the Depravity of the President They Hate

From "The Regressive Antidote, David Michael Green on Politics":

"Getting Past 'Oh', Why Americans Misunderestimate the Depravity of the President They Hate"

By David Michael Green at

... My guess is that Americans simply can’t go there, just as many can’t possibly entertain the thought that 9/11 might have been done by their government, or at least perhaps allowed to happen. People can imagine that the war was a mistake, but not that they are such pathetic pawns of their own government that their lives and the lives of American military personnel are of zero consequence to political elites. Or that those daddy-figures upon whom they rely for their precarious sense of security could in fact be vicious predators readily able to betray, ruin and destroy their own public for purposes of financial or power enrichment.