
9-11 Truth March 10-11-08 Santa Monica Part 3 FIREFIGHTERS

This amazing march through Santa Monica found its way to Firestation A, where we paid tribute to the firefighters who died on 9-11, and to First Responders who are still dying today because our government lied to them about the horrendous quality of the air at ground zero, and because our government continues to ignore them.

9-11 Truth March Oct. 11, 2008 Santa Monica Part 2/6

The march moves down the 3rd Street Promenade, a very popular outside mall in Santa Monica, CA.

The participants in the march strived to show respect to all present, including performing musicians, but at the same time gracefully stress the importance of the 9-11 Truth message.

2008 Now or Never - 9/11 Part 3 - at Police Plaza - NYC

In support of all First Responders, the march on 9/11/08 made a stop at Police Plaza in NYC.

Luke Rudkowski reminds everyone, including the police officers present, that First Responders have the respect and the support of the Patriotic 9-11 Truth Movement.

Both Luke and Matt Lepacek point out the significance of the large presence this year in NYC.

NYC is the one place we should all come together once a year, on 9-11 to make our presence known. We have strength in numbers.

Join WeAreChange today at

9-11 Truth March Oct. 11, 2008 Santa Monica Part 1/4

Every person that stands up with others for visibility, outreach and solidarity increases the impact of our actions by ten, like a Richter Scale.

Thanks go to all those who marched for truth, and helped to make this action so successful and rewarding, including San Diego 9-11 Truth, WeAreChange Long Beach, Orange County Tyranny Response Team, and Inland Empire 9-11 Truth.

Stay tuned for the remaining videos in this series. This march was so intense, we have to share as much of it with you as we can.

The 2008 Now Or Never events in NYC were such an inspiration. We implore everyone to make it to NYC for 9-11-09. It's the one day of the year we should all come together in one place.


2008 Now or Never - 9/10 Part 2 - Union Square - NYC

More folks arrive to Union Square to help wake up others to the truth about 9-11, and to bond in solidarity with folks from around the world.

Luke Rudkowski leads a march to Cooper Union for the premiere of "FABLED ENEMIES"

The energy is amazing and intense throughout.

Web Ring for 9/11 Skeptics Unveiled

A new web ring connectiong web sites owned by individuals who question the official story of the attacks against the Pentagon and World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001 has just been launched.

Sites in the ring include those bearing evidence calling the official
story into question as well as any and all other sites whose owners wish to make a public display of solidarity with other questioners of the official narrative of the attacks.

Commercial sites, personal pages, blogs and others are welcome in this effort to display the staggering numbers of 9/11 skeptics and doubters.

Those wishing to join or tour the sites of the ring may do so by using a banner code found on the home page at

Joining is as simple as clicking the "join" tab on the bank, registering your web site and installing a purely HTML banner code on your home page.

Questions or comments about the ring or the site may be directed via e-mail to "nineelevenisalie ATSYMBOL xmail PERIOD net".