Sibel Edmonds

Judge of Sibel Edmonds trials appointed to FISA court; court includes brother of 9/11 Commissioner

Below I have listed the members of the FISA court, almost all Reagan/Bush appointees.

According to Secrecy News, "Judge Reggie B. Walton was appointed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court by the Chief Justice of the United States effective May 19." Walton was appointed as a federal judge by George W. Bush in 2001.

In the words of Wikipedia, Judge Walton "dismissed one of FBI whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds' lawsuits, after 'sitting on the case with no activity for almost two years,' and is 'randomly' presiding over her other suit as well. For some reason, Walton's required financial disclosure report for 2003 is completely redacted. According to Edmonds, this redacted statement 'appears to be in violation of the Ethics in Government Act,' which requires judges and certain high ranking government officials to file such reports annually.

Sibel Edmonds blows her whistle in May/June issue of Mother Jones

I just saw this in the periodical section in Barnes and Noble. It's only a small mention of Sibel, and of course the implications of her charges are obscured or ignored, but I guess it's better than nothing.

There was also a small blurb on the NAU. Of course it's just a benign free trade agreement, and anyone who says different or does deeper research is a conspiracy nut.

What amazes me about the print media is their ability to take drastically different combinations of words and make the theme, the subtext, the same no matter what. Whether the you're reading Time magazine, Mother Jones, The New Yorker, Utne, Foreign Affairs, The Economist, or Dissent, the message is:

Sibel Edmonds, George Tenet's Lies, And Al-Qaeda's Nukes


by Luke Ryland
Thu May 03, 2007 at 05:09:20 AM PDT

While we're piling on George Tenet, I wanted to pick up on one particular lie from his 60 Minutes interview.

Tenet says "If al Qaeda were to acquire nuclear capability, the thousands of weapons we have would be irrelevant."

According to previous articles by former FBI translator & whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, Tenet's statement appears to be a lie.

In Sibel's Nov 06 blockbuster article "The Highjacking of a Nation" where she outlines her case for all to see, she writes:

"Here is what CIA Director Porter Goss said bluntly before the Senate Intelligence Committee in February 2004,

"It may be only a matter of time before Al Qaeda or other groups attempt to use chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons. We must focus on that."

And we know that he knows; has known for the longest time!"

Rep. Waxman Is Probably Going To Let Treason Flourish In This Country

For the past few days, I have been calling the Oversight & Government Reform Committee. That is the office Rep. Waxman's office referred me to. The purpose of my calls has been to find out whether or not Rep. Waxman is going to give Sibel Edmonds her day in court.

Today, I got an "answer".

Lauren from the first number listed below told me, "I don't believe it is going to happen".

So, it seems that Rep. Waxman is going to let Treason in this country flourish.

Shameful Mr. Waxman. Absolutely shameful.

(202) 225-5051
(202) 226-6550

Peter B. Collins Interviews Lukery And Sibel Edmonds

[GW's comment: In an essay entitled "Sibel Edmonds: Last chance to put Perle, Feith & Hastert in orange jumpsuits", Lukery urges everyone to call Waxman in a final push to convince him to hold hearings on whistleblower Edmonds. And as Jon Gold points out, a stunning new fact came out in last night's radio interview of Edmonds and Lukery: a Turkish group linked with the American neocons and AIPAC issued passports for at least two of the patsies ... er, hijackers.]

Transcript Available here.

Click Here

There are some other things that Sibel knows about 911 that didn't make the report, for example, some of the people that she listened to on the wiretaps, I think it was the ATC but I'm not sure, organized passports (ed note: that should be visas) for at least two of the hijackers.

Digg and Buzz for Sibel Edmonds

UPDATE: Buzz pulled it. Oh well, you can still Digg.

If you haven't done so, Digg here

And please also Buzz here. Remember, with about 20 votes, it will get on's front page.

Action Alert for Sibel Edmonds

Submitted by GeorgeWashington on Sat, 03/17/2007 - 2:46pm.
Sibel Edmonds

We've been asked for a summary of the action alert on Sibel Edmonds. Here it is. Whether you believe that the government actually carried out the 9/11 attacks, let them happen, or were just criminally negligent, this is something that we can all rally around.

What: How to put leading neocons in jail
When: This Monday and Tuesday, March 19 and 20, 2007
How: Make a phone call

Executive summary

Sibel Edmonds, the most gagged whistleblower in history, who the Department of Justice's Inspector General and several senators have called extremely credible, and who 30 conservative and liberal groups endorse, says that she has information of criminal wrongdoing that will put leading neoconservatives, war architects and dual loyalists Richard Perle, Doulas Feith and Dennis Hastert in jail.

Action Alert: Put the Neocons in Jail!

We've been asked for a summary of the action alert on Sibel Edmonds. Here it is. Whether you believe that the government actually carried out the 9/11 attacks, let them happen, or were just criminally negligent, this is something that we can all rally around.

What: How to put leading neocons in jail
When: This Monday and Tuesday, March 19 and 20, 2007
How: Make a phone call

Executive summary

Waxman to Make Announcment Early Next Week on Sibel Edmonds

UPDATE: Lukery says that it is now too late to write, and that only phone calls can help at this point.

Lukery's newest essay about Sibel Edmonds contains alot of information, and is well worth the read. (Edmonds told Jon Gold that Lukery "is the best investigative journalist out there on this case, and has done a tremendous amount of work on it.")

In the essay, Lukery states:

Sibel has briefed [Waxman's] office in classified hearings - and it appears that he is going to make a decision (& announcement) early next week about whether he will hold separate hearings into her case.

Lukery also gives more specific contact information for Waxman and other relevant Congress critters (see below).

Please note that this is not a done deal ... it is not over until Waxman makes his announcement, and I invite every person who has not contacted Waxman to do so.

The powers-that-be within the Democratic party are going to put enormous pressure on Waxman to focus on "more important things" (that is, anything other than 9/11), and to ignore Sibel Edmonds.

What the heck is Sibel Edmonds' Case about? And why should I care?

Left gatekeeper site Daily Kos has the second article on Sibel Edmonds by Lukery this week, in which it appears that Edmonds is hinting that high-level U.S. politicians were involved in 9/11 and drug trafficking.

Call, write, and fax Congressmen Waxman and Conyers, and your local congress critters -- let Sibel Speak!

"Some of the wiretaps relate to drug trafficking, some relate to the nuclear black market and other weapons trafficking, and some refer to terrorist activity - including 9/11.

Perhaps it's not surprising, then, when she says:

You have the same players when you look into these activities at high-levels you come across the same players, they are the same people.

Those 'same people' - at least on the American side - according to [reporter Phillip] Giraldi, appear to be Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, Marc Grossman, Eric Edelman, and Stephen Solarz. It appears that we can also add William Cohen and Joseph Ralston - and Dennis Hastert - to that roster, and I'm sure there are a few more that haven't yet been publicly identified."

Sibel Adds Marc Grossman, Richard Perle, And Douglas Feith To The List

[GW's comment: Please remember to call Congressman Waxman to urge him to "let Sibel speak". We all know that 9/11 truth is a hands-on project, not a spectator sport.]

[UPDATE: Apparently, a few Congress critters will try tomorrow to block whistleblower reforms, which will also effect Sibel Edmonds: see]

What If the FBI Hired Someone Honest to Look into 9-11?


by David Swanson

It did. Her name was Sibel Edmonds. This is her story, as she told it to me. Edmonds discusses what she knows, whom it implicates, and what she's been through and what hope there is in the new Congress to start an investigation.

Here's the audio.

Swanson: This is David Swanson with Sibel Edmonds. It's great to talk with you, thanks for being here.

Scott Horton From Interviews Sibel Edmonds, James Bamford

Thanks to

Transcript available here.

Click Here

This is specifically about the "States Secrets Privilege".

"Mrs. Edmonds Must Be Heard"

Petition with strong left-right support headed to Capitol Hill


Submitted by Michael D Ostrolenk on Wed, 2007-03-07 18:05.

March 7, 2007
CONTACT: Jesse R. Benton

WASHINGTON, DC - The Liberty Coalition, a transpartisan public policy group dedicated to preserving the Bill of Rights, personal autonomy and individual privacy today sent a petition signed by 30 liberal, libertarian and conservative groups including the American Civil Liberties Union, Citizen Outreach, OMB Watch, Electronic Privacy Information Center, Government Accountability Project, Electronic Freedom Foundation, and the National Coalition Against the Censorship to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform urging prompt hearings on the case of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds.

Illegal Wiretapping and Sibel Edmonds Claims supported by 2 FBI Whistleblowers

Two FBI Whistleblowers Confirm Illegal Wiretapping of Government Officials and Misuse of FISA

State Secrets Privilege Was Used to Cover Up Corruption and Silence Whistleblowers

The National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC) has obtained a copy of an official complaint filed by a veteran FBI Special Agent, Gilbert Graham, with the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (DOJ-OIG). SA Graham’s protected disclosures report the violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in conducting electronic surveillance of high-profile U.S. public officials.

Before his retirement in 2002, SA Gilbert Graham worked for the FBI Washington Field Office (WFO) Squad NS-24. One of the main areas of Mr. Graham’s counterintelligence investigations involved espionage activities by Turkish officials and agents in the United States. On April 2, 2002, Graham filed with the DOJ-OIG a classified protected disclosure, which provided a detailed account of FISA violations involving misuse of FISA warrants to engage in domestic surveillance. In his unclassified report SA Graham states: “It is the complainant’s reasonable belief that the request for ELSUR [electronic surveillance] coverage was a subterfuge to collect evidentiary information concerning public corruption matters.” Graham blew the whistle on this illegal behavior, but the actions were covered up by the Department of Justice and the Attorney General’s office.