Shin Bet

The Washington Report covers challenge at LA City Council to Mayor's LAX consulting deal with Israeli security experts

On June 25th, 2008, a group of about 20 activists, predominantly Jewish, convened on the Los Angeles City Council to put their deep concerns and protests about multiple aspects of a trip to Israel that LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa took in the spring of 2008, along with numerous city officials, onto the City's official record. Key among these concerns was a deal that put Israeli-intel connected security experts into a consulting role at LAX. Jack Weiss, the LA City Councilman who helped develop the relationship, has said that he believes the agreement is the first of its kind between a U.S. airport authority and foreign government agency. With the documented history of Israeli-intel driven black ops, and serious questions still lingering about the role of Israeli-owned, intel-connected company ICTS in 9-11-01 security "breakdowns" at multiple airports, it seems appropriate to pause and consider the wisdom in creating such a close working relationship with Israeli experts without inquiry into potential security threats.