Shadow Masters

Shading corruption for the appearance of truth

The following is Jerry Mazza's review of Daniel Estulin's new book Shadow Masters: How governments and their intelligence agencies are working with international drug dealers and terrorists for mutual benefit and profit. This is a brilliant follow-up to Estulin's The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, which went through 15 editions, translated into 24 languages, sold in over 40 countries, and garnered millions of readers. I think the world-wide scope and erudition of Shadow Masters should make it a contender to match or surpass those impressive figures. Hopefully, the review will give you an inkling why.'

Shading corruption for the appearance of truth
By Jerry Mazza

Online Journal Contributing Writer

Mar 12, 2010, 00:27

Daniel Estulin was born in the heyday of Brezhnev’s Soviet Union (1964-1982), during which time Russia reached its political and strategic summit in relations with the US, sliding in 1979 into the U.S. baited trap, the tragic entry into the war in Afghanistan, which ended in humiliating, resource-draining defeat.