Secret Policeman’s Ball 2008

Secret Policeman’s Ball 2008 Amnesty International 4 October 2008, Albert Hall London

Bonsoir ,

Last Saturday night, the 4 October, I went to the « Secret Policeman’s Ball 2008 » 15th ? given by Amnesty International at the Albert Hall, London between 7h00 and 11h00. Diffusion on canal Sunday the 5 October. I seems to have been put on youtube although I have not checked it out see

Lots of people queeing up. When I was a student usher for the proms in 1975, I never saw so many people queeing up as that week-end. Saw a lot of young people wearing a tee-shirt with the candle wrapped up in a strand barbed wire.
Looked out for tee-shirts with « Investigate 911 » , « 911 inside job » , etc but did not see a single one. I noticed that the hall was completely filled and at some moment an organiser said that there was 4000 people inside.

As was written in the program « Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand » Mark Twain this evening was giving power to the people by laughter.