Ron Craig

Explosion Sounds a false premise from NIST in WTC 7 investigation

In the presentation last year by Shyam Sunder it was said that they concluded that WTC 7 was not brought down by controlled demolition. They did not tests for explosives in the rubble or dust, instead they go on lenghts to prove there was no explosion sound measured and therefore it could not be a controlled demolition.

The engineer and explosive expert Ron Craig showed similar views in a Gage-radio debate.

Now this premise is clearly false, as the sound or blast waves were matter of new patents to reduce their effects.

So, if you ever be confronted with the “sound” premise, just show them theses patents:

US patent 6183669
"primary disadvantage of explosive shaped charges is that they generate excessive noise and debris upon detonation. This noise and debris can pose potentially serious health and safety hazards to someone using a cutting device which employs conventional shaped charge explosives.

AE911Truth Debates Explosive Expert: Richard Gage, AIA vs. Ron Craig -


Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 911 truth, and Ron Craig, explosives and Hollywood special effects expert locked horns in their second live radio debate in two years. The exchange was hosted by Richard Syrett of The Conspiracy Show. LISTEN TO THE DEBATE NOW.

While no data is available yet for listenership numbers, we do know that the show could be heard from Thunderbay Ontario to the Carolinas....from Maine to Minnesota, NYC, Chicago, Washington and all points in between. Also, the program is offered as a podcast, so it will be available on iTunes as a download. It's the most downloaded show on the radio station – Zoomer Radio from Ontario. The show will also be broadcast on TV -

Ron Craig versus Richard Gage, AIA: An Analysis of the Controlled Demolition Debate

Mr. Ron Craig, teacher of pyrotechnics and explosives at Ryerson University and fire and explosion investigator, came out as a spokesperson against the controlled demolition hypothesis 2007. We heard Craig will be debating with Richard Gage on Sunday and thought the community might want to know more about Craig's arguments, since as far as we know, none have been published on the web. We have tried to represent Craig’s arguments as fairly as possible, we have added some context and comments in square parenthesis.

Explosives Expert, Ron Craig, to Examine 9/11 at University of Waterloo

"9/11: Did Explosives Demolish the Towers?" - A Lecture by Ron Craig
A Free Public Lecture Organized by the UW 9/11 Research Group
Friday March 27, 2009
Arts Lecture Hall, University of Waterloo
7:00 - 9:00 pm

His presentation will evaluate the collapse of the World Trade Center towers from a forensic perspective by conducting a fire and explosion investigation. The presentation is intended to be a dynamic and original approach to determine if explosives were primarily responsible for the collapse of WTC 1 and 2.

RON CRAIG teaches courses in pyrotechnics and explosives at Ryerson University. He has delivered peer reviewed papers on advanced incendiary/improvised explosive devices at conferences throughout North America. Lecturer to CSI personnel on improvised explosive devices and home made explosives. Member of the International Association of Bomb Technicians and Investigators, and the International Society of Explosive Engineers. Craig has received advanced training in fire and explosion investigation, firefighting and explosives, and has over 25 years of professional experience using all classes of explosives. Richard Syrett Show 9/11 Truth Debate: Richard Gage vs. Ron Craig


Richard Gage, AIA debated Ron Craig, a member of the International Society of Explosives Engineers, on the "collapse" of the 3 WTC buildings, Monday, November 12, 2007 (2 hours).

The interviewer/host was Richard Syrett, of The Richard Syrett Show, on Newstalk 1010, Toronto, Canada.

I was able to create a generally commercial-free MP3 of the show. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find an audio file hosting website that could handle the required 64.6 MB, so I just directly uploaded a WMV version of the debate to YouTube, which then rejected it because it was too long. So now it’s available on but who knows for how long . . .

I won’t spoil the surprise. But I will say that the debate went very well and is yet another indication of good things to come for 9/11 truth!