Robert Kennedy

Clinton awaits Obama assassination?

Clinton awaits Obama assassination?

Anne E. Kornblut
Washington Post
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Flashback: Jesse Ventura Warns Of Obama Assassination Attempt

Flashback: Did the Secret Service set up Barack Obama for assassination?

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Friday invoked the 1968 assassination of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy in explaining her decision to remain in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, comments that drew criticism from aides to Sen. Barack Obama and cooled speculation that the two may form a joint ticket for the general election.

Clinton was asked during a meeting with the editorial board of the Argus Leader newspaper in Sioux Falls, S.D., about continuing to run despite long odds of winning the nomination. She said that while the media and Obama's campaign have urged her to withdraw, "historically, that makes no sense."