right wing 9/11 family member

A 9/11 Family Member Chides the New President for Closing the Guantanamo Terror Camp

There is a NY Daily News article today not specifically about 9/11 truth, but 9/11 as accepted by the official story. I guess some 9/11 family members still have a Rush Limbaugh style mentality.


A 9/11 family member chides the new President for closing Guantanamo terror camp
It begins:

"With his shameful order to close Guantanamo Bay, President Obama has perfectly filled the stereotype of the classic clueless ultra-Liberal - the one who can generate great passion for the rights of the guilty defendant and none for the innocent victim.

"With a single stroke of the pen, Obama has delayed justice for the victims of 9/11, and in essence granted a reprieve for Al Qaeda mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the architect of 9/11.

America does not honor our "rule of law and the rights of man" as he put in his inauguration speech by such an action. Instead, this nation abdicated its duty to justice."

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