right to travel

Jack Blood denied passage on Delta to attend Bowman Event in Atlanta

We missed you Jack, but the event was a great success anyway.........BOYCOTT DELTA!

By Jack Blood

I often wish that I was born 100 yrs earlier. In fact I have had the nagging feeling that I was birthed into the wrong time channel most of my life. Back in 1999 a disciple of Edgar Cayce wrote a book about reincarnation, in which she contemplates if I was a 19th century French Poet. Possibly Charles Baudelaire. I never took much stock in it and never had the proof I needed to be sold on reincarnation. I shrugged it off. Still I couldn't feel more out of place in the Brave New World of 2007.

Today I tried to catch a flight from Austin TX to Atlanta GA and was denied by a chubby Chinese Delta airlines supervisor (I will call him Harry Fong) because I didnt have a "Government issued ID" . I have flown many times in the past without ID, but never on Delta who for whatever reason have a non negotiable policy on flying without ID. Fong seemed a bit too happy about the outcome, and his eyes lit up a little to much when saying "Government Issued ID."