Rep. Marcy Kaptur

Marcy Kaptur (D-OH) informed on C-SPAN about WTC7 omissions

Or fast forward to 41:01 in this video:

    Transcript of the exchange:


"Congress's refusal to investigate the evidence that Building 7 was brought down in a controlled demolition on 9/11 is based on its blind trust in NIST's WTC 7 report, which has now been found to contain incorrect data about the building design that, when corrected, renders NIST's fire collapse conclusion impossible. As appropriations committee member would you be willing to review the errors in NIST's report and help in seeking accountability from NIST for its errors considering that NIST has spent over 20 million dollars of taxpayers money to produce this erroneous report? "

Representative Marcy Kaptur:

"I would be more than happy to receive information from you sir and turn it over to those who have that particular agency under their jurisdiction. I have seen some of the callers who have called into programs and I think you're getting your message through, and as I said earlier, 'Truth will out'...sometime the government doesn't have all the facts, or there is an effort in some matters to not reveal the facts, for whatever reason, but ultimately if the American people are persistent the truth will be revealed. So you certainly can send me material and I will discuss it with those who are in charge of funding those agencies."

    Link to the evidence and complaint: