Power of Nightmares

For the BBC, Al Qaeda doesn't exist

Radical Islamists?

This is a high quality 'best parts' montage of the documentary film lasting just 32 minutes.

The unabridged version of "The Power of Nightmares" lasts 3 hours and goes back to the origins of Islam and neoconservatism. It was originally aired on BBC2 in October 2004, in a series of three one-hour episodes.

Please vote for the video on Dailymotion so more people become exposed to it.

Docu BBC: "The Power of Nighmares" (11 septembre 2001)
envoyé par ReOpen911

"The Power of Nightmares: The Rise of the Politics of Fear" is a BBC documentary film which demonstrates that Al Qaeda does not exist and that the idea of terrorism as a global menace "is a fantasy, which has been exaggerated and distorted by politicians. It's a dark illusion that has spread unquestioned through governments around the world, the security services and the international media".

9/11 Playwright?

Complete Article ---> http://www.uruknet.biz/?p=m27722&hd=0&size=1&l=e

In researching the Bush administration’s manipulation of public perceptions,
I came across an interesting summary of the State Department’s Philip
Zelikow, who was Executive Director on the 9-11 Commission, that greatest of
all charades. According to Wikipedia:

"Prof. Zelikow’s area of academic expertise is the creation and
maintenance of, in his words, 'public myths’ or 'public presumptions’ which
he defines as 'beliefs (1) thought to be true ( although not necessarily
known with certainty) and (2) shared in common within the relevant political
community.’ In his academic work and elsewhere he has taken a special
interest in what he has called 'searing’ or 'molding’ events (that) take on
transcendent’ importance and therefore retain their power even as the
experiencing generation passes from the scene
.He has noted that 'a
history’s narrative power is typically linked to how readers relate to the
actions of individuals in the history; if readers cannot make the connection
to their own lives, then a history may fail to engage them at all."
("Thinking about Political History" Miller center Report, winter 1999, p