positive globalism

What Might Work

What Might Work

by James Hufferd, Ph.D.
Coordinator, 911 Truth Grassroots Organization

Strap it on – This could be a wild ride! I, for one, admit to being a radical, in as much as “radical” means literally going to the root of the matter, as opposed to superficially dealing with or being content with merely tweaking old chestnuts, turning trifling truffles.

We in the trenches of the 911 Truth movement generally content ourselves with the low-key, slow-but-sure task of spreading our vital core truth one person or one DVD at a time. Meanwhile, up topside the movement, our designated superstars often hurl one bold hail-Mary or lightning-bolt after another, in the not totally unreasonable expectation that, while most will be knocked down, one or another may eventually land and score. In that same restless spirit of derring-do and devil-may-care virtuosity, let me suggest a sort of ultimate logical solution – a panacea, if you will – to our vexing bugaboo of getting “our” government to do what it ought to have done long ago regarding a real investigation and prosecution of 9/11 and other mass crimes of the elite.