Ambassador Leo Wanta

Impeach the Crooks * Paulson Arrested

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark -
January 4, 2007 - Impeach the Crooks * Paulson Arrested
"He who learns must suffer
And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget
Falls drop by drop upon the heart,
And in our own despair, against our will,
Comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God. "

-- Agamemnon

This was quoted by Robert F Kennedy in his speech announcing the
assassination of Martin Luther King on 4 April 1968; and the epitaph
his family inscribed on his grave marker in Arlington National Cemetery.

1) 9-11 Fiasco – True or False
- - Manuel Garcia Sees Physics That Don’t Exist
- - Prof. Steven Jones Quits Scholars for 9-11 Confusion
- - Arrest and Try Bush & Cheney for Global Crimes of 9/11
- - Reopen 9/11 investigation, local group says
- - Impeachment - World Can’t Wait
- - The Surreal Politics of Premeditated War
- - Senseless 'Sacrifice' in Iraq Must End
2) U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Arrested in Europe

Editor's Notes: