Peak Energy

The Crisis of Civilization

The new feature length documentary from Dean Puckett (The Elephant in the Room) featuring international security analyst Dr. Nafeez Ahmed (The War on Truth: Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism [2005], The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry [2006]) is out to watch online, download and buy.


“A unique film. Everyone should see it.” – Nick Broomfield (Bafta award winning documentary filmmaker)

“A powerful critique of a failed global system and a manifesto for constructive social change” – Leeds International Film Festival

“A really fantastic overview of the global situation. I don’t think I’ve seen a more comprehensive ‘welcome to the 21st century’.” – Richard Heinberg, Senior Fellow-in-Residence, Post Carbon Institute

“Peak Kitsch…fun, funny, engaging and ultimately a powerful call-to-action” - Transition Voice

“Through interviews, found footage, and animation, the film actually manages to make the unwinding of our conventional, fossil-fueled, more-is-more industrial civilization accessible” -

“This film is necessary viewing, not just for activists but for anyone who’s planning to hang around this planet for the foreseeable future. Yes, I’m looking at you.” – Ceasefire Magazine

“A film which offers a glimmer of hope to the overwhelmed.” – Little White Lies Magazine