Here it is! The final ad for the 9/11 global campaign!



The Ad that Will Be Seen Around the World

rethink911-bannerThe “metro” version of the ad is one of several that are being developed for various types of outdoor media. The highway billboard version will be much simpler. Read the fascinating story below about the design and polling of the ReThink911 ad.

WTC 7 to Take Center Stage
with $600K Ad Campaign

Yes… you read that right: $600,000. ReThink911* (a.k.a. Operation Tip the Planet) has raised $300,000 in pledges to match every dollar YOU raise by July 31 for this massive September advertising campaign.

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Proudly Announces: Operation Tip the Planet

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Proudly Announces:


In spite of the fact that the 9/11 truth message has been censored by many in the media, ignored by Congress and the President, and shunned by most academic institutions, polls still show that more than 30% of US citizens doubt the official story about 9/11. Let’s reach out to the rest!

The terrifying specter of drone strikes on US civilians, the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act, and the National Defense Authorization Act… these are just a few disturbing consequences that continue to follow widespread acceptance of the official 9/11 narrative.

Your Words Can
Change The Course Of History

NOW… MORE THAN EVER… it’s time to expose the facts that undermine that narrative, get this message out, and empower the people…