Orange Revolution

How imperial rivalries stoked war in Georgia August 12, 2008

Can you say O-I-L? : ) Lee Sustar

How imperial rivalries stoked war in Georgia
Lee Sustar looks at the roots of Russia's war on Georgia.

August 12, 2008 | Issue 678 [1]

ACCORDING to the Western media, the Russian military's bloody invasion of the former Soviet republic of Georgia is all about "Russian imperialism" and the "Cold War" mentality of Vladimir Putin, the Russian president-turned-prime minister and still the country's leading political figure.

Certainly, Russia's aim to dominate Georgia--which fell under Moscow's control in the late 18th century and was formally annexed in 1801--are imperial in nature. But it's revealing that after selling the U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq as exercises in "promoting democracy," the corporate media is finally willing to characterize a great power's expansionist military moves as "imperialist."