open letter

Sibel Edmonds, 2004: “Why Does Your Report Exclude This Information Despite all the Evidence?”

Nor Cal Truth      Dec 10, 2011

“How can Budget Increases…Addition of ‘Intelligence Czar’ Fix the Problem?” -Sibel Edmonds

Sibel Edmonds, former FBI translator, wrote this open letter to 9/11 Commission Chairman Thomas Kean in 2004. I have edited it down just slightly in hopes that more people read it, though the full text links are recommended and provided at bottom. I have added bold for emphasis of one, consistent point.

I encourage everyone to become more familiar with Sibel Edmond’s story – this is a really good starting point. – Brian @ Nor Cal Truth


Dear Chairman Kean:

Open Letter to the Denver Post

Open Letter to the Denver Post


To Mr. Dan Haley October 8, 2009
Denver Post Editorial Page Editor

Since we have not heard back from you after sending this letter, and after several phone calls to which you have not responded, we have chosen to publish our letter as an open letter.

You are the person who chooses which editorials are printed in the Denver Post, thus we write with the following observation, complaint, and request for a face-to-face discussion:

Open Letter to Markos Moulitsas Zúniga of


Dear Markos-

I don't normally do this, and initially, I had planned on writing you a long and nasty email because of your policy of censorship at your website. It angers me that people like you, not unlike the mainstream media in America, decide what people read and what they don't. You will talk and write about how the media in America is controlled by unseen hands, or biased toward the right, yet you practice the same brand of defacto censorship, most notably surrounding the events of September 11th, 2001.

I had heard about left gate keepers like you, who either knowingly or unknowingly keep information behind locked gates. I have even heard the buzz about your particular website, however, I never visited it until today after I heard of more blatant censorship there with regards to important 9-11 related information. I refer specifically to this article posted at

Donna Marsh O'Conner Issues An Open Letter to Bill Clinton

We received the following letter this evening from Donna Marsh O’Connor, mother of Vanessa Lang Langer who died in WTC Tower II, 93rd floor on 9/11. Please be sure to click 'read more' for the entire letter. Comments to this thread are allowed, but anything which I deem at all inappropriate will be removed.

An Open Letter to Bill Clinton from a 9/11 Mother

Dear President Clinton,

This is a letter explaining to you in, I hope, explicitly simple detail why I feared your eventual speaking out almost as much as I feared one more minute of the reign of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush. But first I have to say, with absolute clarity, from the bottom of my soul, heart, in fact the very soles of my feet, thank you for finally, finally, five years too late to be sure, but finally, telling the truth about 9/11/2001.

The Bush administration had ample warning to make sure that following the Presidential Daily Briefing of August 6, 2001, that my daughter, Vanessa Lang Langer, and the thousands who died both along with her that day and in the days following survived to breathe again on this planet. They failed to save her. They used her death to perpetrate crimes every day, every minute since.

Please see it from my point of view. You along with all American citizens who have remained silent too long, please hear what I am saying:

My kid died. My kid who was raised, like you, for some time by a single parent. But unlike you, she was a female. And I worried for her on a daily basis about the ways in which a female child, particularly a female child of a young, single, divorced parent would be treated by society. She was born along with the towers in 1971 and like the towers she was gloriously beautiful. She was fierce and proud and more than a handful. Instead of nurturing her desires, I tried to rein them in for fear of what they would bring for her. That’s what a mom does, no? Instead of making her my friend, I was her mom. And on August 6th, 2001 when George W. Bush dismissed the PDB and went about with his little life on his big boy ranch, he sealed her fate. And on that day, too, I sealed my own. Vanessa was four months pregnant with her first child. She and I had the final of our many tiffs. I wanted her to finally treat me like a person, not a mom. She wanted me to let her rant. Nobody’s business, really. Just another one of our battles that was to end two weeks after 9/11/2001 when she and I were to go away, just the two of us. The two of us plus one. To talk it out. To make peace. Peace? The hideous irony of what that means now. My kid, my daughter, my baby girl with her flamboyant beauty had a fight with her husband on 9/10/2001. Hormones? She had the first fight of her life with her best friend on earth, her brother James who was fourteen at the time. In short, Vanessa believed time was wide in front of her. She was marking her space as a family member. She, as did I, thought we had all the time in the world to kiss deeply and make up, to fight for our family space and move on.

George W. Bush knew better.

(more after the break..)