Official Theory Advocates

The Hamburger Report

Here is a report from "Randy" regarding the Ronald Hamburger presentation last Sunday...

I was waiting for a real techie to write this report, but it falls to me. I did not record the talk or take notes, but I'll try to sum things up. (I did see someone recording this, and maybe it will turn up, or maybe it will be available from CFI West.) I got there early with my sign, but I decided to leave it in the truck and pick up my ticket and check the place out. I ran into Zan right away, and he said "There's more of us here than there are of them". We decided to wait until people were leaving to hand out flyers for our event on Dec. 8. This Center for Inquiry West in the Steve Allen Theatre seems to be like a skeptics society or something. I think the place may have seated around 150 or so. Full house. SRO. There were maybe eight of us from and clearly alot of other people who did not buy the official line. There appeared to be a fair number of tow-the-liners too. The guy who introduced Ronald Hamburger appeared to have questions of his own and said that it is their mission to look at all sides of an issue. (Coming up, they will have a talk about whether the story of Jesus preceeded the birth of Jesus) The tone was set, so we all gave the speaker our respectful attention. He said he was glad to be here. Or at least he was for now. He made a point of telling us that he does not work for the government. Yeah right.

Dr. Frank Greening Agrees To Debate 9/11 Skeptics

Dr. Frank R. Greening to argue in support of government account of the events of September 11, 2001 at the National 9/11 Debate

Dr. Frank R. Greening to argue in support of government account of the events of September 11, 2001 at the National 9/11 Debate

The National 9/11 Debate is pleased to announce that Frank R. Greening Ph.D. has agreed to participate in the National 9/11 Debate on March 10, 2007 in Charleston, South Carolina. Frank R. Greening will be part of a seven-member debate team that will support the U.S. government’s official account of 9/11 events.

Frank R. Greening was born in London, England in 1947. He has a Ph.D. in physical chemistry and has carried out research in physics, chemistry, and materials science for 30 years in academic and industrial positions. He has published approximately 80 research reports and journal articles, including numerous articles supporting the government’s collapse sequence theories of World Trade Center Buildings 1 & 2.

While the 9/11 Commissioners and NIST scientists remain invited to participate in the National 9/11 Debate, the Muckraker Report has expanded the potential government debate team members to any qualified persons that are willing to publicly defend the government’s account of 9/11 against the opposing debate team already assembled. Dr. Greening is the first such expert that has agreed to debate members of Scholars for 9/11 Truth as well as other experts that oppose the government’s account of 9/11 to include Philip J. Berg, James H. Fetzer, David Ray Griffin, Steven E. Jones, George Nelson, Morgan Reynolds, and Judy D. Wood.