Like Hariri Tribunal, UN Must Help 'The Americans' To Establish 9/11 Truth with Open Public Investigation Immediately


Like Hariri Tribunal, UN Must Help 'The Americans' To Establish 9/11 Truth with Open Public Investigation Immediately To End Global 'War on Terror'!

Thursday June 14 2007 11:15:44 AM BDT

Deepak Sarkar, Canada

Like Hariri Tribunal, UN Must Help ‘The Americans’ To Establish 9/11 Truth with Open Public Investigation Immediately To End Global ‘War on Terror’! (Deepak Sarkar, June 11, 2007, )

[NORAD: North American Air Defense; NEADS: North Eastern Air Defence; FAA: Federal Aviation Authority; NMCC: National Military Command Center; NRO-National Reconnaissance Office ]

Fiction? Starts gently, ends with a motivational punch. Please Comment.

Liberty’s New Husband

At the end of an era there were two beautiful sisters, one named Liberty the other named Conscience. Conscience was not as strikingly beautiful as Liberty, but the little she lacked in beauty she more than made up for with intellect.

Liberty was wealthy, honest, and her incredible beauty radiated from within. She was courted by an urban cowboy who went by the name of Awesome Powers, but no-one knew who he really was. Awesome’s friends called him AP, and once Liberty and Awesome were married, Liberty called him AP too.

AP earned a modest income by clearing brush from the neighbours’ yards. However, AP appeared to have unlimited resources arising from business arrangements with his friends and his father’s connections. Besides AP’s brush clearing business, the group of friends controlled many other businesses and had all kinds of mysterious and complicated financial dealings.

Liberty thought she would live the good life with AP.


Robin Hordon and David Ray Griffin on Carol Brouillet's show Monday

Robin Hordon and David Ray Griffin appeared on Carol Brouillet's show last night. Griffin was on air for just a few minutes, plugging his new book; most of the show was Hordon's. For those who are not familiar with Robin Hordon, he is an ex-pilot and ex-flight controller (fired when he went on strike during the Reagan years). Robin Hordon is very level-headed and it seems to me he brings a number of valid points to the debate. He explains in detail how the scramble protocols used to work, how they were changed in June 2001 and exactly what effect it had on the morning of 9-11. He also discusses what the FAA would normally do in the case of a hijacking, and what they were doing on 9-11.

Hordon also discusses the wargames, and how they would affect procedures that day (according to Hordon, they wouldn't). Plenty of other interesting stuff from a guy who knows first-hand how air traffic control works.

The show is already available as a podcast:

1st hour
2nd hour
(7 megs each)

NORAD Lied, F-15s Arrived Over Manhattan Skies Between 10:09 And 10:10, Not 9:25

Yesterday, Shoestring wrote an excellent article entitled, "Where Were The F-15s On 9/11?" which included new eyewitness accounts of when F-15s arrived over Manhattan. After reading his excellent piece, I remembered that Howard Stern's radio broadcast from that day mentioned roughly when the F-15s arrived over the skies of Manhattan. The recording verifies that F-15s arrived after the first collapse, and before the second collapse. Then, someone named, "Oilfilter" posted Siegel's footage which shows exactly when the F-15s arrived. The following is the end result of me figuring out exactly (99% certain) what time the F-15s arrived. I'm posting this so people can check my math. - Jon

Watch Siegel's film. Please disregard everything regarding helicopters, etc... and just focus on the footage.

  • Fighters leave Otis at 8:53.
  • At 5:56 (9:59), the first tower collapses.
  • At 15:15 (10:09-10), the F15s arrive.
  • Page 24 of the 9/11 Report says, "They arrived at 9:25 and established a combat air patrol (CAP) over the city." This according to Otis Fighter Pilots, Daniel Nash, and Timothy Duffy.
  • It took them 1hr and 17min to arrive in Manhattan, and not 32min.
  • There is a 45 minute discrepancy.

Where Were the F-15s on 9/11?

September 11, 2001 was an extraordinary day for many reasons. It was a day when hijackers who were amateur pilots and had never before flown jet planes suddenly gained remarkable flying skills. It was a day when scientific laws apparently changed, so that relatively small fires supposedly could cause three massive skyscrapers to disintegrate into dust, each in the space of just a few seconds. And it was also a day when two F-15s appear to have made possibly the slowest journey by military fighter jets in all history.

Guns and Butter 1pm Today - An Air Traffic Controller Looks at the Events of 9/11

Guns & Butter
Wednesday, April 18th, 2007, 1:00PM

Interview with pilot and former air traffic controller, Robin Hordon. The job of air traffic control; Flight AA11; the hijack versus the emergency protocol; war games and radar screen blips; remote control of aircraft, i.e., flight director; and Flight AA 77. Robin Hordon is a member of Pilots for 9/11 Truth. Visit their website at

Guns and Butter airs at 1pm Pacific on KPFA 94.1FM Berkeley, and streaming and archived at

Guns and Butter: The NORAD Tapes: Real or Faked?

Today's Show
April 11, 2007

The NORAD Tapes: Real or Faked?

Interview with Dr. David Ray Griffin regarding his most recent article, "9/11 Live or Fabricated: Do the NORAD Tapes Verify the 9/11 Commission Report?" Griffin's article, written primarily in response to Vanity Fair Magazine's, "9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes" by Michael Bronner in their September 2006 issue, deconstructs the preposterous argument that NORAD was not notified by the FAA of hijacked airliners until they had struck their targets or crashed, and that the only jets the military scrambled were in response to a flight that did not exist. Griffin takes a close look at NORAD's audio tapes, on whose authenticity these claims depend. Today's show was originally broadcast on August 30, 2006, and is being re-broadcast today as background for our upcoming programs with former Boston Center Air Traffic Controller, Robin Hordon.

Live KPFA stream link

Guns and Butter airs Wednesdays at 3pm CST

Guns and Butter 1pm Today - David Ray Griffin: The NORAD Tapes: Real or Faked?

Guns & Butter

Wednesday April 1, 1:00pm

The NORAD Tapes: Real or Faked?

Interview with Dr. David Ray Griffin regarding his most recent article, "9/11 Live or Fabricated: Do the NORAD Tapes Verify the 9/11 Commission Report?" Griffin's article, written primarily in response to Vanity Fair Magazine's, "9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes" by Michael Bronner in their September 2006 issue, deconstructs the preposterous argument that NORAD was not notified by the FAA of hijacked airliners until they had struck their targets or crashed, and that the only jets the military scrambled were in response to a flight that did not exist. Griffin takes a close look at NORAD's audio tapes, on whose authenticity these claims depend.

Why No Norad On 911? By Douglas Herman, USAF Veteran

...the FAA had to be the scapegoat. Not NORAD. If the Pentagon--under attack---needed a fresh infusion of cash, since hundreds of billions (2.3 trillion reportedly) was missing---they would have to be exonerated. And That was why, finally, General Richard Myers, seated in his office (allegedly) throughout the ENTIRE 911 attack, was promoted for his inactions (rather than convicted in a military court martial) for dereliction of duty, along with numerous other officials after 911.

Why No Norad On 911?
By Douglas Herman, USAF Veteran
Exclusive to

"We, to this day, don't know why NORAD told us what they told us. It was just so far from the truth." --Thomas H. Kean, Commission Chairman, to the Washington Post

Western Air Defense Sector Gets 1998 Scramble Award


"The Commander of the Washington Air National Guard, also lauded WADS’ accomplishments. Maj General Frank Scoggins stated: "In dozens of major exercises, the unit has been lauded with praise, congratulations, and compliments from major command commanders, inspectors general, civilian drug enforcement officials, and sister service senior leaders". General Scoggins further added: "The sector sets the standard for continuous volunteerism and its outstanding support for real-world air defense missions."

The sector is the Air National Guard organization responsible for the air sovereignty of the western 63% of the continental United States. More than 300 Washington Air National Guard members at WADS have operational control of fighters on continuous alert, keeping track of 1.9 million square miles of airspace, from Texas to the Pacific Coast, across to North Dakota. WADS works directly with three alert bases, where pilots wait for the call to identify unknown aircraft that could be a threat to the nation’s air sovereignty. In the award-judging period from May 15, 1996 to May 14, 1998, the sector "scrambled" jets 129 times to identify these "unknown riders". The WADS scrambled jets another 42 times against potential and actual drug smugglers to support the Domestic Air Interdiction Coordination Center and U.S. Drug Enforcement agencies.

Opening Statement Of General Ralph Eberhardt Before The 9/11 Commission

See if you can spot any discrepancies.



17 JUNE 2004

Chairman Kean, Vice Chairman Hamilton and distinguished members of the Commission:

Thank you for the opportunity to appear before you and represent the outstanding men and women of North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD). This team of professionals is dedicated to protecting and defending the U.S. and Canadian homelands. We shall never forget those who lost their lives and who were injured during the attacks of 11 September 2001.

Prior to the attacks on our Nation two and one half years ago, our air defense posture was aligned to “look outward” to counter external threats to North America. We considered flights taking off within the U.S. and Canada as “friendly by origin.” Our aerospace warning and control missions were oriented and resourced to detect and identify all air traffic entering North American airspace. We were prepared to intercept potentially threatening inbound aircraft as necessary.

Whatever happened to the NORAD guy who spoke about wargames and standown order

About 1 month ago there was a man who worked for NORAD who came out on the alex jones show and in a newspaper editorial confessed he thinks 9/11 was an inside job. He also claimed that he heard talk of an actual stand down order. Alex Jones was promoting this guy and had him on his show 2 days in a row, and he got himself fired from his software job but after that i heard absolutely nothing about him. Any word on him now? I know most of the posters in here though it was disinfo, but i have not come to a conclusion yet .

NORAD scrambles jets to intercept Russian bombers

Thanks to A Big Secret for sending this in:

NORAD launched Canadian and American fighter jets to intercept two Russian bombers near U.S. airspace, officials said Friday.

Russian military officials had warned the United States the bombers would be conducting an exercise in the region. But as the planes crossed a 20-kilometre buffer zone around U.S. airspace, the NORAD planes moved in.

At about 6 p.m. ET Thursday, NORAD scrambled three pairs of fighter jets -- including two CF-18 jets from Cold Lake, Alta.

The American aircraft included four F-15s from Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, Alaska.

"It was the Americans who found the bombers first. They came to within metres of the bombers," reported CTV's David Akin. "There was no radio contact. After a period of time, the Russians turned and went home."

The bombers never crossed over into Canadian or U.S. airspace. And according to Major Jason Proulx, such incidents are not rare.

NORAD scrambles jets to intercept Russian bombers - Admit that they're responsible for monitoring suspicious domestic aircraft

NORAD launched Canadian and American fighter jets to intercept two Russian bombers near U.S. airspace, officials said Friday.

Updated Fri. Sep. 29 2006 11:06 PM ET News Staff

NORAD launched Canadian and American fighter jets to intercept two Russian bombers near U.S. airspace, officials said Friday.

Russian military officials had warned the United States the bombers would be conducting an exercise in the region. But as the planes crossed a 20-kilometre buffer zone around U.S. airspace, the NORAD planes moved in.

At about 6 p.m. ET Thursday, NORAD scrambled three pairs of fighter jets -- including two CF-18 jets from Cold Lake, Alta.

The American aircraft included four F-15s from Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, Alaska.

"It was the Americans who found the bombers first. They came to within metres of the bombers," reported CTV's David Akin. "There was no radio contact. After a period of time, the Russians turned and went home."