norad response

911 Truth and the Neo-Angst-Order

This video is the sum of my anger, frustration, and take on the absurdity of the Offficial 911 Conspiracy and the mainstream media's bizarre no-reaction to the demand for Truth and total disregard for hard evidence. I feel as if the world has been turned on its head, so I got on my head and I tried to create an angry and almost absurd video summation of what I thought was important and verifiable information with regards to the lead up to 9/11 and other aspects aside from the demolition of the three towers. The video is supposed to get under your skin. It's in your face and a subversive attack on mainstream media for keeping so many decent Americans hypnotized by the mass marketing of envy, greed, and the worship of wealth and fame at the cost of atrocities both at home and abroad, and at the cost of our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. My intent was to be rude and to shock. I'm not sure how succesful it is because I have recieved mixed reactions, but lots of viewings. It certainly is different.