Tell NARA: Create a JFK Records Declassification Project

November 22, 2013 will mark the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination, and significant information is still being suppressed. If certain elements with influence over the government have their way, this information will never be released.

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has created a "National Archives Open Government Idea Forum" at for the public to submit, comment on, and vote for ideas. One submission that is gaining popularity is for NARA to: "Create a JFK Records Declassification Project":

The National Archives should create a project to declassify remaining secret JFK assassination records before the 50th anniversary of that tragic event in 2013. The Archives recently established Berlin Wall and Pentagon Papers anniversary projects. Public interest is high in the remaining secret JFK assassination records. Such a project would fulfill President Obama's desire that his administration be the most open administration in the history of the United States.