Murder of Dr. Tiller

What the Murders of Dr. Tiller and Holocaust Museum Guard Really Mean

I believe that anyone who promotes further murders like Dr. Tiller or the guard at the holocaust museum are guilty of terrorism. As a Muslim blogger wrote about the Tiller murder:

Two men commit murder with the goal of influencing government policy in the United States. The crimes occur one day apart. Both are religiously motivated. The Muslim is charged with terrorism. The Christian is not.

On the other hand, anyone who tries to label the maniacs who committed the murders as "right wingers" is painting with too wide a brush.

The murders - and the prevention of potential future attacks - are part of an important law enforcement issue. But just as it was insane to invade Iraq based upon a false linkage with 9/11, it would be insane to try to label millions of Americans as being dangerous just because they are republicans, or liberals or any other group.