morgan stack

Morgan Stack UCC Law Society 'War on Terror' Debate (Opening & Closing Statements.)


Opening Statement (9 mins)

Closing Statement (7 mins)

Dedicated to the Memory of William Melvin Hicks Dec 16, 1961 – Feb 26, 1994

Morgan Stack Campaign Ad No.5 'Debate Challenge.'

Morgan Stack is running in the forthcoming Irish Election on a 'Scholars for 9/11 Truth' platform.

This is his fifth campaign ad and constitutes a debate challenge to the other candidates in the Cork South Central constituency.

Morgan Stack on with Barrett - 3-5 pm Central - GCN Live

3-5 pm Central

Can you help financially with Stack's political campaign?

If he had $4,000 to buy paper, he could force the Irish government election authorities to send out a mailing of 60,000 pieces and pay the postage, the equivalent of about $25,000 of stamps. But he needs the funds.

Stack features 9/11 Truth front and center in his campaign. This could be a decisive mailing. If you can help, send a donation at his website via PayPal;


Irish 9/11 truth candidate Morgan Stack will be Kevin Barrett's guest on Dynamic Duo, stream 2, 3-5 pm today. They will discuss the global 9/11 truth movement, comparing public opinion in Ireland/Europe, the US, and Morocco and other Arab and Islamic countries. (Barrett is leaving Sunday for Morocco and will be interviewing Moroccans about 9/11 and false-flag terror--while investigating Waleed al-Shehri, the alleged 9/11 suicide hijacker who may still be living and working in Casablanca.)

Morgan Stack interviewed on Tarpley's GCN show tonight (5-3-2007)

Network 4 -

"Genesis World Report"
7-9 pm Central

Morgan Stack is running in the Irish General Election later this month, on a platform that has a heavy focus on 9/11 Truth.

Tomorrow, Tarpley gives a skype lecture for the Italian Rogue World meeting.

Campaign Ad No.4 Morgan Stack 'My Promise'

Morgan Stack is a founding member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth

He is a candidate in two constituencies in the forthcoming Irish general election which has just been called for Thursday May 24th 2007. This is his fourth campaign ad. For more see:

"I got into this because no Irish politician will address some of the most important issues of our time.
I got into this because I believe in what Martin Luther King said, that no lie shall live forever.
I got into this because above all I believe in justice. Natural justice and social justice."

Irish Election Campaign Ad No. 3 Morgan Stack in the Studio.

Morgan Stack is a founding member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and a candidate at the next general election in Ireland (May 2007) in the constituencies of Kerry North and Cork South Central. This is his third campaign ad - all available on You Tube.

Tarpley and Morgan Stack in Dublin

Report from Dublin, 9/14/2006

The sun is shining down on the good people of Dublin's fair city this morning.

Last night's 911 Truth event in the Irish capital was a great success.

Over 50 people sat transfixed upstairs in the lounge at Doyles bar, to listen to the presentations of Morgan Stack and Webser Tarpley.

Morgan, an associate member of Scholars for Truth from Listowel, Co. Kerry, lectures in accountancy at University College Cork, is standing on a 911 Truth platform in next year's General elections.

Morgan introduced the evening with the history of the Irish 911 Truth movement and a summary of their campaigning efforts to date.

No slouch is Morgan, as he described his efforts to inform each and every member of the Dail with hand delivered 911 Truth packs and the uncompromising, intimidating rejection he received from RTE and subsequent action by the Garda.

For his efforts, Morgan described how he has been the subject of a police investigation for attempting to raise awareness among Ireland's politicians and media.