Montreal 9/11 Conference

Montreal 9/11 Conference: David Ray Griffin on McGill University Radio CKUT 90.3 FM

Montreal 9-11 Conference - Interview with David Ray Griffin on CKUT Radio

Dr. David Ray Griffin appeared on The Tuesday Morning After show on CKUT 90.3 FM on April 20, 2010, at 7:20 am (EST).

CKUT FM is the student radio station of McGill University in Montreal. Nearly 27,000 students go to McGill University.

Dr. Griffin will be presenting his new lecture in Montreal at UQAM on May 3rd (gen. admission $10, students $5 — visit for tickets).

Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) will also be speaking in Montreal that evening. Mr. Gage will appear on this radio show on Apr. 27 @ 7:20 am (EST).

Montreal 9/11 Conference: Major Media Breakthrough

Montreal 9/11 Conference: Major Media Breakthrough

Montreal 9/11 Conference: Major Media Breakthrough

MONTREAL, QC, April 19, 2010 — Montreal's Journal Métro published today a 2-page article which includes an interview with Richard Gage, AIA and the founder of and organizer of the Montreal 9/11 Conference, JF Ranger.

Montreal's Journal Métro has a daily readership of 337,000+ (03/10 statistics) and is distributed freely in the subway and train systems in Montreal as well as in many restaurants including McDonalds and Van Houtte coffee shops. It can also be found at many other places including office towers and schools.

Click here to read the web version of Journal Métro's article