
My picture with Ministry banner

This was my post last August:

Aug 6 2006, 04:54 PM

I'm just back from Heavy Metal Wacken Open Air Festival in northern Germany.

"Ministry" was on stage friday night, and they played "Lies Lies Lies" as the sixth oder seventh song.

I was in the first row and hold my banner up.

"Thx Ministry 4 "Lies Lies Lies"
in front,

backwards: 911 = inside job.

I'm quite sure they saw it.

It was impressing to hear Dylan's voice in front of several thousand people. Nearly 50000 in Wacken overall, I guess around 7000-9000 attended Ministry.

Don't know if I made it to the tv screen. Unfortunately I have no photos from me and my banner at night, only in daylight. I'll post them as soon I got them.

And, yeah, Al Jourgenson rocks. I'm sure he made many many new fans. It was great. Several people I talked with were interested in Loose Change and in Ministry's new album Rio Grande Blood...


Now I have one photo, several others are still missing. Damned if you have to rely on others.