
NIST Replies to Three Questions: WTC7, Nano-Thermite, & Microspheres


With the help of a volunteer from AE911Truth.org, Wayne Coste, three members of my local community and I engaged in a correspondence with NIST that was “shepherded” by our congressman’s office.

Our complete correspondence can be found here: All Three Letters and Responses.

In the first letter we asked three questions: (1) How does NIST explain building 7’s 2.2 seconds of free fall, and the apparent visual discrepancy between video of the collapse and NIST’s visualization based on their computer simulation? (2) How does NIST explain the documented presence of nano-thermite in the WTC dust? (We cite the relevant article.) And, (3) how does NIST explain he the abundance of iron-rich microspheres in the dust? Our other two letters are follow-ups regarding NIST’s initial answers. Our third letter summarizes and puts the whole thing in context.

Below I’ve pasted the text of (most of) our third letter, which summarizes the first two. Below that I’ve included NIST’s final response.