Michael Collins

Triumph of The Money Party: Lieberman and the Convenient Amnesia By Michael Collins November 19, 2008

Triumph of The Money Party: Lieberman and the Convenient Amnesia
By Michael Collins November 19, 2008

(Wash. DC) The full exoneration of a clear traitor to the Democratic Party predicts how Congress will treat the dire challenges facing the country.

There will be little is no opposition to the arranged marriage between corporate and government interests.

There will be no remedies for the problems that were created as a result of this arrangement.

There will be no accountability for the crimes committed over the past eight years. The looting of the United States Treasury will continue.

And the projection of power in behalf of corporate interests will continue when needed, unopposed, without regard to the well being of the nation as a whole or the interests of citizens. The Senate cave-in is a paradigm for past behavior by corporatist Democrats in both houses of Congress.

Hope for Change or Change Your Hopes? - by Michael Collins

(With the Presidential election on the horizon, I asked Michael Collins, who is a serious student of the Fraudulent elections of the past few years, to pen a short piece for visitors of 911blogger, summarizing the dangers of Election Fraud... not "Voter Fraud"... Election Fraud. -rep.)

Hope for Change or Change Your Hopes?

Elections and Voting in a Dissociated State

by Michael Collins, 10.31.2008

"Some say" that no matter who gets elected we're still going to be in Iraq, the bailout will continue, and there will be no drawdown of the bloated budgets, particularly the military, that feed the defense contractors their daily ration. We're not getting national health, rather an electronic exchange and so forth down "the middle of the road" of national leadership.

Here's some news from the election fraud segment of our precipitous decline thanks to greed and avarice, not to mention stupidity, on the part of the ruling elite. Everyone of the problems mentioned could be solved without much cost in a few months. Everybody in power knows that and only a few officials act to serve citizens. They're rarely rewarded and frequently punished and marginalized for their service.

Scoop: Impeachment: Bush Accused of Tyranny and Murder

Impeachment: Bush Accused of Tyranny and Murder

Opinion: Michael Collins - Saturday, 26 July 2008 - Part 1

WASHINGTON, DC - Today's hearing on the abuse of presidential powers before the House Committee on the Judiciary turned into a devastating political ambush by Chairman John Conyers (D-MI), committee Democrats, and the extraordinary panel of witnesses.. At least 12 Democratic Committee members were present plus the Chairman while only four Republicans bothered to show up.

Belying their casual appearance in the committee chambers, the Democrats presented a well coordinated, hard hitting case against President George W. Bush. This lead to a double climax in the form of surgically erudite testimony by conservative legal scholar Bruce Fein, a former Reagan administration official, and former Los Angeles District Attorney Vincent Bugliosi's stunning summary statement. The best the Republicans could offer was inappropriate humor by Rep. Don Lundgren (D-CA) and a request to clear the chambers when the audience cheered Mr. Bugliosi's remarks.

Two New Articles on H.R. 1955 / S. 1959 & Action Items at bottom of Post.

By online writer Michael Collins. You can see more of his work at Scoop, OpEdNews and his site, ElectionFraudNews.com

Part One: Thought Control on the Internet

Who's Really Behind "Violent Radicalization?"

The irony of all this is that those who would fit this definition most clearly, "facilitating violent radicalization," are the architects of the Iraq war and those in Congress who provide ongoing support through funding.

Here are the inevitable, empirically verified steps to radicalize individuals and groups. Initiate trade sanctions against a nation resulting in the death of 300,000 or more children. Then attack that nation because it has weapons of mass destruction (WMD), which are never found, thus negating the rationale for war. Create and implement a policy that shows disregard to for the safety of its people and their national treasures. Torture and humiliate citizens. And all the while, prolong the conflict even though the war is responsible for the death of over 1.1 million civilians.

Aren't these the type of actions that would surely "facilitate violent radicalization?" Even with all this, there has been no documented "homegrown terrorism" as a result of political posts on the Internet. However, there can be little doubt that this administration's war on Iraq is the proximate cause explaining whatever potential exists. (Full article.)

Continued below...

911 General Strike Gains Momentum

911 General Strike Gains Momentum

by Michael Collins
Wednesday, 29 August 2007

“Scoop” Independent News
Washington, DC

“No Work, No School, No Shopping – Hit the Streets”

The 911 General Strike called by a coalition of antiwar, 911 Truth, and pro impeachment groups is gaining strength with gatherings scheduled across the country and rapidly expanding activity on the Internet, where the idea originated.

We see this action as one against the injustices listed on the site but also one against our own fear, apathy, and cynicism. We want this to be an opportunity for citizens to reclaim a sense of power in defining their own destiny and running our own government. http://www.strike911.org/ Truth mover 27 August 2007

Strike activities are growing by the day. Formal events are listed below but there’s more. Every citizen is empowered by this essentially leaderless, egoless movement. This is one case where the people will actually lead if they choose. The impact of major public participation would shock those in power who ignore what they see as a passive public.

We recommend that everyone become an organizer for this strike. Try to link up with people in your area, have meetings, network, discuss over the internet, and plan your own creative actions for the 11th. People can help out the strike by just continuing to organize, communicate, and spread the word.
http://www.strike911.org/ Truth mover 27 August 2007

The 911 General Strike takes delivering the message to a whole new level. Apparently the message sent by the 2006 elections got lost in the spam folder. Citizen reminder messages, tens of millions of them, from the public in person, by mail, email, phone, etc., weren’t enough. The general strike gives citizens a chance to show those in power it’s time to listen through “a day of personal reflection and nonviolent dissent in recognition of the course we have been on since 9/11.” The simple action plan includes – no school, no work, no buying anything (at all), and hit the streets.
