Mark Weitzman

WeAreChangeLA Reaches Out to the Simon Wiesenthal Center over Weitzman HR1955 Presentation

Towards the end of 2007, WeAreChangeLA reached out to the SImon Wiesenthal Center regarding the testimony by Mark Weitzman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center before Jane Harman's Congressional Committee. Mr Weitzman gave a presentation to the committee in support of H.R. 1955 where he positioned the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth website as an "incubator of 9/11 conspiracies and disinformation."

Richard Gage AIA Responds on Video to Mark Weitzman and Simon Wiesenthal Center Calling for Apology, Retraction and Meeting

In an interview with, Richard Gage AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, responds powerfully to the insinuations and defamations put forth by Mark Weitzman of the Simon Wiesenthal Center during his powerpoint presentation in Jane Harman's congressional committee hearing last fall. Among making other powerful points, he calls for an apology, a retraction and a meeting with Mark Weitzman and/or representatives from the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

There is more of this interview to come.

Mark Weitzman Answered My E-mail

Hi all.

Much to my surprise, Mark Weitzman answered my e-mail from a few days ago. I posted that e-mail in the comments section of the previous SWC thread (Not the ae911truth one, but the one several days before). Today, I received a response. I don't know it's a form response he's writing to all his 9/11 related letters, so I'll be interested to hear if Weitzman has written any of you all. I'll post my e-mail to him first, followed by his response:



I am writing to protest the SWC's conflation of 9/11 truth and
research sites to digital terrorism, hate, and anti-Semitism. Calling us "9/11
deniers" is extremely insulting to the millions of concerned American
(and world) citizens with legitimate questions about what really happened
on 9/11.

To question the true identity of the perpetrators is NOT analogous to
holocaust denial. While a small minority of 9/11 activists openly mix
holocaust revisionism with 9/11 skepticism, this only represents a
tiny fraction of the 9/11 movement at large, and as a violinist who studied