magnolia picture subpoena google youtube 911 truth conspiracy

Magnolia Pictures Sends DMCA Subpoena to Google, YouTube (TO BUST 9/11 TRUTHER HALIFAXION)

[GW's comment: I don't know whether Mark Cuban will help the 9/11 truth movement or hurt it. But this is an important story, because it shows that Cuban's company really may have been behind suspending 9/11 truth video uploader Halifaxion.]

I Really do think this aspect of MAGNOLIA pictures needs to be addressed!

March 7, 2007 12:58 PM PST

Once again, copyright holders are trying to unmask who uploaded a potentially infringing video clip to YouTube.

This time it's Magnolia Pictures, a film distributor owned by Mark Cuban and Todd Wagner, the billionaire co-founders of Magnolia released the Academy Award-nominated documentary Enron: Smartest Guys in the Room, which has a bad habit of appearing on video-sharing sites.