Screw Screw Loose Change

Flight 77 and Hani Hanjour - Official Myth Debunked

I've updated my article about Hani Hanjour's flying skills and the impossibility that he piloted Flight 77.

You can find the old version here:

Part One goes deeply into all accounts on Hanjour's piloting skills, including all debunking points, and shows that he was in fact a weak pilot.

Changes in this part have been made mainly on those two entries (and the summary):

June/Juli 2001 - Caldwell Flight Academy Fairfield, New Jersey
August 2001 - Congressional Air Charters Gaithersburg, Maryland

In Part One I go then into the maneuver of Flight 77 and show that this maneuver was far beyond the capability of Hanjour. I also included all debunking points.

Here, I added more statements by pilots confirming the difficulty of the performed maneuver, and that it requires advanced skills to do so.

I also have a look into the hijacking scenario on Flight 77, point out inconsisties and contradictions. I added two new sub-section to this subject, "Was there a fight going on?" and "The conflict of the official account with crash site observations".